Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the online calendar to make an appointment for any other SNAP assistance program?
Not yet. Please SNAP at (509) 456-SNAP (7627) to make an appointment for ALL other SNAP services.What if I have energy questions that are not answered on this web site?
Call (509) 456-SNAP (7627).What if I prefer an appointment in an office?
Phone appointments can be changed to in-office appointments by calling SNAP: (509) 456-7627 Please make appointment changes at least 2 working-days in advance.How often can I get (EAP) energy assistance?
Once per heating season, which is October 1st through September 30th *as funding allows. Emergency assistance may be available. Call (509) 456-7627 for details and appointment availability. How is a heating season defined?
Our heating season runs October 1st of the calendar year through September of the following calendar year as funding allows.Do I have to have a heating emergency?
No, not for the Energy Assistance program. Emergency assistance is for households experiencing hardship.Are subsidized households eligible?
Yes. Can I receive assistance with my gas/propane/oil heat and with my electric?
Yes, the program allows for a split of your energy grant. Additional Emergency Assistance may also be available.How is my energy grant calculated?
The current amount you owe is not used in the calculation of your grant.
Your grant is based on multiple factors:
• Total household income
• Total number of people in the home
• Housing type
• Previous heat usage
What do I need to have for my appointment?
Energy programs have different requirements, here is a list of items that MAY be requested:
• Proof of Household Income
• Proof of Address
• Current Heat Bill
• Social security number- for some appointment types.
Does heating assistance help with furnace repairs?
Please call SNAP 509-456-7627 for a referral.